Monday, August 29, 2011

Jesus is the Contagious One

In the Old Covenant, we learn that sin is contagious (Hag. 2:13-14). We see that if a clean object comes into contact with an unclean one, it is the clean object that becomes unclean. We recognize that this principle continues to apply in certain ways in the New Covenant as well, which is why we are supposed to avoid evil companions and why we are supposed to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees. But nevertheless, something is different now.

The ministry of the Lord Jesus shows us a form of powerful, and contagious, holiness. When the woman with the flow of blood (making her unclean) touched the hem of Christ’s garment, she was made whole (Luke 8:44). The contagion did not go the other way. When Jesus took the little dead girl by the hand and told her to rise, the dead body did not make Jesus unclean (Mk. 5:41). Rather, He made her come alive.

Now we are coming to a holy Table, but not to a holy defenseless Table. You have confessed your sins. You are not coming here with hypocritical high-handedness.

Jesus was sent into the world to be the life of the world, but we must remember He was sent to be the life of a dead world. His life spreads to our death. His righteousness spreads to our wickedness. His holiness spreads to our contagion. Here, in this setting, with this gospel set before you, remember that Jesus is the contagious one, not you.

Come, and welcome, to Jesus Christ.

View the original article here

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