“Remember those who rule over you, who have spoken the word of God to you, whose faith follow, considering the outcome of their conduct.” — Hebrews 13:7
Iain Murray on the ministry of John MacArthur,
“Commitment to hard work marks his life. To the casual observer, the role he has been given in serving a large and supportive church might be an enviable one. Behind that role, however, there is a weight of responsibility which few would sustain. If his burden was known, it is not one which others would readily take up. To remain joyful through forty years in the care of one congregation, and fresh in the constant preaching of the Word of God, is a demand human nature cannot sustain. It is grace that has kept his input from diminishing with the years. ‘Our pastor gets better and better’, can be heard at Sun Valley, as it was heard in Spurgeon’s church when his youth was past.” (John MacArthur: Servant of the Word and Flock, pp. 229,230)
Sunday, June 5th of this year, John MacArthur preached what can only be described as historic, a sermon on Mark 16:9-20. It marked not only the completion of over two years preaching verse by verse through the Gospel of Mark (preceded by over 10 years preaching through Luke!), but also the end of a an over forty year goal of preaching through the entire New Testament. I am so thankful for the ministry of John MacArthur, and his sermons truly do “get better and better.” And by the way, this is not exaltation of a man. God forbid. (1 Cor. 3:3-8). My boasting is in Christ alone (Philippians 3:3; Gal. 6:14) I do not exalt John MacArthur, but I do honor him. His preaching and writing have drawn me closer to Christ, and for that I am forever thankful. As Iain Murray states in the aforementioned biography of MacArthur,
“An evangelical leader inspires the affection of followers because they learn Christ through him, and see something of Christ in him. They follow him because he follows Christ. And they love him because he loves them in Christ’s name. ‘The apostle Paul summarized the spirit of the true leader when he wrote, ‘Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ.’” (ibid. pp. 2,3)
This sermon will build your confidence in the authority, inerrancy, and inspiration of Scripture. And, may it serve as a “fitting beginning” of many more years of ministry for Pastor MacArthur.
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