There’s no shortage of conferences in the evangelical world today. Over the past couple of years, I forced myself to limit the number of conferences I attend to be more effective on the ground, and the decision-making process developed into a grid that filtered out the conferences that are fun (and enjoyable) but not necessary. Today, I want to share with you a conference I personally find necessary, and I hope you do too.
My good friend Johnny Grimes leads a great organization called Altar 84, which is dedicated to orphan care through the local church. On March 7th & 8th, they are hosting a conference at The Church at Brook Hills called “Know More Orphans.” Here is a summary of the conference theme:
The Church has always been God’s plan for building his kingdom, and this includes securing justice for the poor and most vulnerable. Altar 84 desires to work intimately with the Body of Christ to care for the least of these, the orphan. On Friday, March 7th and Saturday March 8th, 2014, Altar84’s kNOw More Orphans Conference will seek to unite the church community for the call to care for orphans and vulnerable children – right here and around the world. The conference will provide AWARENESS of God’s Word and his command to take ACTION.
If you are a church leader interested in leading your church to care for orphans and build a culture of adoption, I encourage you to take advantage of this conference. Perhaps some of you may be interested in local foster care or adopting orphans internationally, I believe you will be blessed by the main sessions and helped with the practicality of the breakout sessions. Speakers at this conference include David Platt, Russell Moore, Tony Merida, and more.
Early bird registration ends one week from today (Jan. 17th), so take advantage of the special rate and register soon! I will be going and representing The Haiti Collective, along with some of our team. It should be a great time channeling our resources and leverage our lives for the sake of orphans here and around the world. Hope to see you there!

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